Imagine today your walking and tomorrow your not. Imagine walking down the street today and tomorrow you’re in a wheelchair trying to access the city streets.
Imagine today your walking and tomorrow your not. Imagine walking down the street today and tomorrow you’re in a wheelchair trying to access the city streets.
Kellina is not only a smart, beautiful, powerful and an inspiring soul; she happens to be deaf as well! She shares her deaf experience and talks about her book she is writing “My Deaf Experience”.
Andrea is a true gift to this world! She is single handedly building little leaders each and every day!
My guest on today’s podcast episode is Larissa Russell and she was diagnosed at 50! She was diagnosed with autism at 50 years old, yes you read that right!
The stories Q brings to this episode will stay with you forever! Q is inspiring kids each and every day!
A life changing moment for Richard has turned into him changing lives each and every day and it’s so beautiful!
Different Ability™ Podcast Episode 36 Diana Swillinger is oh so amazing! This episode we went down so many incredible roads. Diana talks about her childhood, growing up having a sibling with a Different Ability™ and the impact that had on her life. Her sibling’s perspective is a beautiful perspective that we all need to hear! […]
Shylla does such a great job at calming people down, especially me! In this episode she teaches us a few steps on how to stay centered!
Angel asked me to crack my B.A.N.K code with her in real time on my podcast and then explain what it was all about.
Veronica talks about giving kids opportunities to learn about people that are different than you and boy does she have some inspiring stories to share!