What I love is she truly believes that your qualities and values are your identity, not your “disability”. Your disability doesn’t define you!
What I love is she truly believes that your qualities and values are your identity, not your “disability”. Your disability doesn’t define you!
Dustin was diagnosed with CP, Cerebral Palsy, at the age of one and he shares some of his story on today’s episode. “People are people no matter what ability” is one of the many amazing things Dustin said on today’s podcast episode.
Different Ability™ Podcast Season 2 Episode 60 Mei is an incredible human being! Mei has such different life experiences than myself and that’s why I’m so grateful to have her on today’s episode! She grew up in Asia, was in the education system for many years there and now teaches (with a twist) here in […]
One of my favorite parts of the episode is when he says “My Father, Harvey Korman, was a father first”.
Raya not only is an advocate for herself, she advocates for her two daughters and others in the community!
One of the things I love that Dennard asks himself is are you living your life purpose?
Ayesis talks about how secondary trauma and burnout became her reality as a teacher.
Imagine today your walking and tomorrow your not. Imagine walking down the street today and tomorrow you’re in a wheelchair trying to access the city streets.
Kellina is not only a smart, beautiful, powerful and an inspiring soul; she happens to be deaf as well! She shares her deaf experience and talks about her book she is writing “My Deaf Experience”.
Andrea is a true gift to this world! She is single handedly building little leaders each and every day!